The Intro

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Legacy Investor podcast podcast where we focus on real estate, business, and mindset. Our guests will share their experiences, lessons learned, and actionable advice to help you get to the next level. Now for today's show for today's show.

Speaker 2:

Alright, folks. Welcome to the Legacy Investor podcast. I am your host, Nick Bolzano. Want to record a brief intro to first introduce myself and give you some context as to what this thing's all about. But first for the boring stuff really quick on me, born and raised Rhode Islander, family's from Bristol, grew up in Lincoln.

Speaker 2:

My teenage years I worked for a small general contractor in my hometown where I learned residential construction. That's where I developed my love for real estate, through a mentor of mine who I still keep in touch with to this day. From there I went off to UNH, go Wildcats, I get a civil engineering degree because I thought I wanted to design bridges and buildings, turns out I just wanted to build them. I had 2 internships with a large construction management company while at UNH, Gilbane, and ended up getting hired and worked with them for 11 years. I was involved in everything from small retail fit outs to converting old power plant to a nursing school, to a new construction pharmaceutical facilities, to new lab buildings.

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During my time there I was involved with almost $700,000,000 in construction in various stages in the process. While like Obayne though, I was chasing a different path and trying to scratch a niche that, developed in my early years with that smaller GC that I mentioned earlier. I started listening to podcasts, reading books, anything related to real estate investing, just trying to purchase my first property, which I ended up doing my 1st year into the corporate world. Property was definitely a beaut. It was a 3 family in the Mandeville section of Lincoln.

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It was a foreclosure. Many folks thought I was insane for doing it. Purchased it in 2018 2013 for a 108,000, put 60 k into it. Insane numbers given today's market in 2023. But after the renovations moved in, got a leased up, and then we're off to the races.

Speaker 2:

From there, it was all about property management, underwriting deals, buying more property. Fast forward to 2018, I officially formed a property management company, Zana Property Management, which services those assets that I personally own, but also had a goal of bringing those services to the market. Property management is an area that I feel is behind the times a bit. Something that many landlords and property owners dislike doing. There's a large portion of landlords out there still collecting cash and checks, not adhering to leases if they even have them, and frankly are never prepared to take care of maintenance.

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So I think coming in, leveraging the unbelievable amount of technology and software that we have available to us, in this day and age, Applying my background in construction on the maintenance and building side and desire to build a high performing team, I felt and still feel we have a very competitive market offering that landlords like myself, would be looking for. So that said, bringing it back, there'll be a heavy real estate investment piece, on this podcast journey. If that interests you, you're gonna love the content. On the other side, since I started my professional career, I've been fascinated by what makes a great leader. So what are those characteristics of the folks that, you know, people subscribe to without question, who make the leap, who go for that promotion, who start that company, develop that newer innovative product, or develop an extremely high performing team?

Speaker 2:

How do I get more of that, right? So I worked with some incredible leaders in the past, and that really set me on a journey of self improvement and finding things that make those folks tick. I've had the opportunity to get to know some amazing, amazing entrepreneurs in my local community and nationwide, nationally through, real estate networks and masterminds that I'm a part of, but locally here in Rhode Island through a program called, Leadership Rhode Island. Basically serves the backstage pass to the state. Excited to showcase those folks here.

Speaker 2:

Also, some of those conversations maybe for the first time, so bear with me as I navigate some uncertain waters. We're definitely gonna jump around a bit, but I promise every guest will bring value. The goal is to inspire action no matter what line of business you're in. Take a step towards that side hustle, that goal that you've seen that seemed really far away but not so much anymore, or step towards a different routine or lifestyle that'll help support a healthier you. If you'd like an introduction to any of these folks that I bring on, please reach out.

Speaker 2:

Rising Tides raises all ships. Let's work together. Let's get better. Send me an email at, instagram at nballzano2. And if you're interested in pro on the property management side, that's going to be or instagram at zanopm.

Speaker 2:

Lastly, most of the episodes, have a video component. So if you're interested in viewing those, there'll be a YouTube channel, you can go back and check them out. So without further delay, please enjoy my wide ranging conversations on The Legacy Investor podcast. And thank you for being here.

The Intro
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